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Showing posts from September, 2018

Touch Assignment

Pain "People have always mutilated their skins, often enduring pain to be beautiful, as if the pain chastened the beauty, gave it the special veneer of sacrifice."  I chose to draw a girl from the Kayan village located in Thailand. She accurately depicts the pain a person would gladly endure to be considered beautiful in their own culture; for the people of Kayan, binding girls necks with brass coils makes their necks appear longer. Over time the number of coils is increased and the woman's shoulder blades are forced downward.  The Point of Pain "Pain was dished out by vengeful gods, or was the result of falling out of harmony with nature." The picture I drew depicts Eve from the Bible holding an apple to her lips. We're all most likely familiar with the story of Adam and Eve and what becomes of Eve when she eats the forbidden fruit. This story is an example of how culturally we show pain. But in the background of my piece I added brain